7 minutes — an award-winning 48-hour film project

Editor, 2016

7 MINUTES was created during the 2016 Philadelphia 48-Hour film competition, where filmmaking teams have 48 hours to produce a short film, from start to finish, incorporating a genre, character, line, and prop. This project challenged my creative and technical abilities to create a great final product with a 24-hour post timeline while working with an animator and assistant editor. I’m incredibly proud to have been a part of this team. Directed by Kelly Maher


Philadelphia: The Great Experiment — The Paxton Boys

Editor, 2015

I created this companion web piece to the televised documentary series Philadelphia: The Great Experiment (aired on 6ABC in the Philadelphia area), to bring additional context to the story of the main episode. The episode is created from interviews, reenactment footage, archival images, and original score collected and created for the main episode, which I repurposed to share another story from the period and provide further insight to viewers looking to learn more.